Wound Healing - Mobile Unit

Provides home-delivered health care services for homebound patients

Wound Healing - professional Mobile Unit provides complete, adequate and holistic treatment of the patients with ulcer-traumas, having as final objective the complete healing.
At the moment, this is the only medical unit of this type operating in Cyprus, with an experience as a mobile medical practice, operating in accordance with the international quality standards in both evaluating the needs of the patient and the specific treatment.
The purpose of Wound Healing - Mobile Unit is to provide home-delivered health care services for homebound patients. Read more...

Our Procedures

210 Patients

100 Wound Healings

1 Mobile Unit

1 Office

Our Team

Multidisciplinary approach

Our Services

Treatments and care aiming 100% healing

BEDSORES (Pressure Ulcers)

  • Evaluation / cause assessment – risk factors and conditions, pressure relief, nutrition, moisture, friction, mobility
  • Patient centered concerns – pain, quality of life, family concerns / caregiver
  • Tests and Treatment – Debridement: devitalized tissue only in non-healing wound, debridement method consistent with wound and needs of the patient
  • Inflammation and infection control – antimicrobials, antimicrobial dressings, systemic antibiotics, osteomyelitis
  • Moisture balance – absorptive dressings, fillers, occlusive dressings
  • Edge of the wound – biologically active dressings, skin grafts and substitutes, optional therapies, surgical flaps
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  • Keep wounds clean (dressing & cleaning the wound, Antibiotic treatment, debridement)
  • Timely review of the wound, appropriate cleansing and dressing, early recognition and intervention of wound complications.
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  • Cause assessment – vascular flow, awareness of neuropathic changes, pressure redistribution, glycemic control, lipid control
  • Debridement – callus and necrotic tissue
  • Prevent ulcer from getting infected – inflammation and infection control – treat osteomyelitis
  • Moisture balance – control exudates
  • Edge of the wound – biological dressings, optional therapies
  • Keep the ulcer clean and bandaged - Cleanse the wound daily, using a wound dressing or bandage / apply medication or dressing to the ulcer.
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  • Cause assessment – vascular flow, joint mobility, venous reflux
  • Patient centered concerns – quality of life, issues related to lifestyle changes, pain
  • Compression therapy
  • Wound debridement – remove necrotic tissue and bacterial burden through debridement, support autolytic debridement
  • Apply dressings and antibiotics, inflammation and infection control / treatment
  • Moisture balance – control exudates
  • Edge of the wound – biological agents, optional therapies
  • Patient education
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  • Patient education
  • Debridement
  • Use of occlusive dressings
  • Pain control
  • Improve circulation
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  • First aid for superficial wounds (require cleansing and dressing), in order to prevent complications and preserve function.
  • Prevent infection; assure there are no associated injuries.
  • Control bleeding.
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